Posts Tagged ‘wheels


So long dear friend!

(Note: version française disponible à la page suivante) 

For some, it’s just an ordinary bicycle or an old bike to get from point A to point B. A frame, 2 wheels, a fork, left on the side of the house, at the corner store or at the coffee shop, without supervision. Oh boy, really not the case with my bike!

My Felt, made of Scandium ( ) always sleeps inside the house. Brand new, he (definitely not a it) even spent a few nights in the bedroom with us. Beauty sleep for my little guy!

He now shares the hallway with his brother, Coachpat’s impressive replica of Team Garmin Slipstream’s Felt.


You can also guess that you will never see my bike on a rack, on top of my car. High speed, on the highway, no way! Paint, scratches, flies all over, forget it. Not a good combo.

Over the years, we really got to spend quality time together, like good friends. I have to admit that I got a crush on him when I first saw it (still talking about the bike!).

All black, there’s really nothing flashy about him, a low profile look that I love. But, with my pink San Marco saddle and pink handlebar tape, he’s got my subtle feminine touch…

So, last summer, sitting at a terrace, Pat told me the unthinkable:

“Your bike is way too big for you, that’s why your lower back hurts so much. Don’t worry, we’ll find you another one.”

Really did not expect that one! Didn’t see it coming either. A fool. At first, I thought he was kidding. Like he always does. But he kept on going.

Tears were coming out. Scared at the idea of having to let go of my precious bike.

Poor waitress, I can only imagine what she was thinking, watching me cry, while Pat was telling me that I’ll get over it, with time!

In my head, I kept saying “No, I’ll always keep him, even if we don’t fit. Don’t wanna see anybody else with him. Love him too much.”

“Aaaah, jealousy will get you nowhere”, Pat’s famous quote.

Inevitably, in order for my back to get better and to continue riding, I have to sell my Felt.

I feel sad but yet happy that someone else (still looking btw!) is going to enjoy such a sweet ride!

So long my Felt, thanks for the ride!



Link to my bike:



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